El Libro de Arena
August 24, 2022
Finally waking up to his senses, Borges comes to view the book as "monstrous" and "devilish", and needs to destroy it. At first, he has no clue how to destroy an infinite book. Sooner, he comes up with an idea, by incinerating the book, but fears that if he attempted to burn it, the burning book of infinity might create an infinite fire whose flames would engulf the whole world in just mere seconds. If not, it would pollute the entire world with grey smoke and dead ashes. That would be such a shame. In the end, he disposes of the horrific book by taking it to the Argentine National Library where he used to work as a librarian. Knowing all the alleyways and passageways, he discreetly hid it on one of the shelves in the library’s old basement, stacked with news journals and encyclopedias. No one will ever find it in the dusty shelves, nor will anyone go looking for it.
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